domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Visit to Mercado de San Francisco and "Tapas Night"

After some sightseeing in the city, which included a reception at the city's Hall, a later walk to "Arco de San Lorenzo", "Baños Árabes" and the Cathedral, we visited the local market to taste local products and have a look at ingredients for the mediterranean dish each family had to cook later on at home. Finally, we had our "Tapas Night", a nice gathering with students, parents and teachers. We all got together and shared our cooking specialities ;)

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

Workshops: Flamenco and Soap-making with Olive Oil

With a view to promote our customs and traditions, we designed two workshops for the English students: One devoted to Flamenco in which they learnt basics about it (branches - palos-, rhythm and clapping) Likewise, we made soap with olive oil, a very old tradition inherited from our ancestors. Soap_Making_with_ OliveOil

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

ÚBEDA, World Heritage city

on our visit to Úbeda last 29/09/2011. It includes pictures of our visit, videos on the city's main attactions and local rock bands' music clips!!! We visited the main sites such as Plaza Santa María, Iglesia del Salvador and had a look at the local pottery Shops. Check it out!

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Cuestionario de Evaluación Intercambio 2010-2011

Queridas familias, Os pedimos que cumplimeteis este cuestionario para recibir información real de vuestras impresiones acerca de vuestra participación en el intercambio dentro del Proyecto Comenius "Dorset-Jaén World Heritage" Cada familia deberá cumplimentar UNA encuesta. No es necesario rellenar una encuesta por persona. Nos ayudaréis a mantener lo que os gusta y a cambiar lo que no funciona. Gracias por adelantado. Cuestionario Proyecto Comenius: Intercambio

Stay of British Students in Jaén September - October 2011

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Official Welcome to English Students at Jaén

Students were welcomed by the City's mayor Mr. José Enrique Fernández de Moya and were given a gift pack with an original and special edition olive oil bottle. The mayor gave a speech and had pictures taken with the 40 students participating in the Comenius Project. Here you are the news on the press!!!
Alumnos del Santa Catalina y The Sir John Colfox recibidos por el Alcalde de Jaén D. José Enrique Fernández de Moya, quien les entregó una original botella de Aceite de Oliva de la tierra.